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Sarah Pederson’s Avatar

Sarah Pederson

Software Test Engineer
Healthcare Support Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Minneapolis, Minnesota
7 Answers
15634 Reads
32 Karma

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Gianni’s Avatar
Gianni Sep 01, 2017 1603 views

What kind of internship opportunities should I seek as a Physics major?

I plan on transferring to the University of Central Florida after being enrolled in a state college for a year. I also plan on continuing my education past my bachelors degree and would to hope to get at least my masters. I'm very curious in what kind of internships would improve my chances of...

David’s Avatar
David May 03, 2022 1996 views

Software Engineers; Do you have an office you commute to, or do you strictly work from home.

I am researching for a class of mine and I was wondering this.

Howard’s Avatar
Howard Oct 05, 2021 938 views

Between computer engineer and computer science major, which major can give me a higher chance in getting a job as a software developer or software engineer?

I am currently a senior in high school, and I am in the middle of my college applications. I am debating whether I want computer engineering or computer science as a major.

#computer-engineering #software-developer #software-engineer

MJ’s Avatar
MJ Sep 08, 2020 2418 views

How do I study fashion abroad without going broke?

#fashion #study-abroad #fashion-design #internships

Celia’s Avatar
Celia Jul 18, 2020 689 views

What is the best type of internship a journalism student should apply for?

#internships #communicationstudent #JULY20

Audrey’s Avatar
Audrey Jun 18, 2020 3925 views

I am 15 years old and I feel like I should have some idea of what I should do or be in the future. I feel like I am not good at anything. Any ideas on how I should figure out?

I am 15, I make good grades (4.6 gpa), im in all honors and AP courses, im athletic, im tall and skinny, i play travel sports all year round, I was a spirit leader last year, im full of energy, i have adhd, i am nervous about presenting in large crowds but i can talk to large crowds, i take...

Christian’s Avatar
Christian Aug 29, 2019 450 views

HVAC - How do people advance in this field

My name is christian and I'm 20 #internship