Cindy Ross
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What careers are suitable for someone that majored in Cognitive Science?
I am majoring in Cognitive Science and am curious what job opportunities are out there for someone with my degree. #college-major #college-jobs #cognitive-psychology #cognitive-science #cognition

Where can I get Psychology Internships in Johannesburg when I have a Bachelor's Degree and no experience?
I am highly self-motivated, driven and ambitious. I am flexible and hard working. Yet, I cannot seem to find Psychology Internships or similar in Johannesburg (most are in the Cape) and I do not have any work experience and I will only graduate with a Bachelor's degree. #psychology #career...

How feasible is double majoring in CS and Cog Sci? What types of careers can you get from that double major?
#psychology #career #college-major #major #cogsci #cognitive #computer-science #cs