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Ganga Manjusha Yandamuri’s Avatar

Ganga Manjusha Yandamuri

Product quality engineer
Architecture and Engineering Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Bergen, Hordaland, Norway
3 Answers
4890 Reads
11 Karma

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Leah’s Avatar
Leah Jul 22, 2020 865 views

How is COVID 19 affecting the job growth, competition and future of the field of engineering? How is it changing and what are the good/bad aspects of these changes?

#job #engineering #JULY20 #COVID19

Lauren’s Avatar
Lauren Jul 15, 2020 2017 views

How can get I get a summer internship in STEM with no prior experience?

I'm a junior in high school and want to major in engineering. And I want to gain some experience in the field. However, any internships I find are for college students and/or require lots of experience. So how can I start to build my experience from the ground up? #engineering #stem

Jishnav’s Avatar
Jishnav Jul 09, 2020 1026 views

What is the difference between electrical and electronic engineering? Which will be better for the future?

I am a 11th grade high school student who is interested in neuroscience as well as engineering. Since the body's nervous system uses a variety of electrical impulses to function, I thought what better way to combine the two principle than getting an engineering degree. Now, I am not sure...