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Jennifer Harrison’s Avatar

Jennifer Harrison

Relationship Manager
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Office and Administrative Support Occupations
New York, New York
2 Answers
2674 Reads
2 Karma

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Scarlett’s Avatar
Scarlett Sep 27, 2021 1587 views

Describe your overall experience working in insurance. Is there anything in particular you think it super rewarding working in this field?

#insurance #entrepreneur #business

Blessing’s Avatar
Blessing Jul 29, 2020 1140 views

What is the best way to build my network and find a mentor in my field of study?

I am an undergraduate student looking to expand my network and find a possible mentor - someone I can whose mistakes I can learn from and who can show me how to navigate the field as a graduate (which I will be in 2021)

#JULY20 #networking #mentorship