Career questions tagged claims

How to become a claims adjuster?
Share your journey & guide aspiring claims adjusters on their path! Note: We've seen a lot of interest in this career, so we're looking for guidance from our community of professionals.

Do I need a license to work in the Insurance field?
I am currently in my second-year of post-secondary in the insurance field. However, I am not too sure if I need some sort of license after I graduate or if a bachelor's degree is good enough. In addition, if I do need a license, can I just do the license while I am still in school? Or do I have to wait until I graduate? If I do need a license, which ones do I need since I know there are many types? Thanks! #insurance #underwriting #broker #claims #riskmanagement #canada #july20

What can I expect in the Insurance field? (underwriting, claims, etc)
I am currently in an insurance program in my post-secondary school however, I am not that exposed to it. The main courses for the program don't begin until my third year and I do not know what I am really getting myself in to. I was wondering if any of you could explain the different roles in the insurance field and what it looks like on a day-to-day basis for each role. Thanks! #insurance #underwriting #broker #claims #JULY20