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Emily Wetoska’s Avatar

Emily Wetoska

I am a physical therapy aide and injury prevention specialist, a flexolgist, certified nutrition and health coach and high school field hockey coach.
Educational Instruction and Library Occupations - Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
Chicago, Illinois
2 Answers
1797 Reads
41 Karma



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Price’s Avatar
Price Jul 17, 2020 828 views

What is the best way to prepare for the GRE? Also, when is the best time to take it?

I'm in the middle of my undergraduate Exercise Physiology degree and getting ready to apply to PT school in about 2 years. #physicaltherapy #graduateschool #testing #GRE #JULY20

javenique’s Avatar
javenique Aug 07, 2018 1161 views

What's good advice for students majoring in Kinesiology?

#physicaltherapy #sportsmedicine