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jarvis joy’s Avatar

jarvis joy

Fort Lauderdale, Florida
5 Answers
2584 Reads
1 Karma

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Karina’s Avatar
Karina Aug 16, 2018 521 views

I want to become a Business Administrator in international business. Is there a lot of job opportunities in that field?

I desire to stay in my hometown which is Houston, Tx . #hometownjob

Edalene’s Avatar
Edalene Dec 05, 2018 1023 views

What is your career like on the daily basis?

I'm currently enrolled in Job Corps and would like to know what it's like to be a Medical Administrative Assistant.
#MAA #medicine #healthcare

Erick’s Avatar
Erick Sep 06, 2019 613 views

How are office hours?

I don’t mind staying overtime to handle data or paperwork #medicine #animals #veterinary #veterinarian

Elizabeth’s Avatar
Elizabeth Nov 05, 2019 432 views

What benefits do you get out of Office Administration?

I'm interested in working in any type of office but I'm more interested in working in a medical office #medicine

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Jul 16, 2020 398 views

How does the physician's office handle phone calls?

How does a physician's office talk to people on a call? What type of information do they ask for and how it is used? #physicians-office