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Sheara Brown-Gbenro’s Avatar

Sheara Brown-Gbenro

Academic Advisor
Educational Instruction and Library Occupations
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
4 Answers
3250 Reads
2 Karma

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Zemira’s Avatar
Zemira Aug 24, 2020 818 views

Can you graduate from medical school early? Is it even possible?

#medschool #doctor #career

Zemira’s Avatar
Zemira Aug 23, 2020 728 views

How do you know which minor to choose for college? If I do decide to major in nursing, how should I go about choosing my minor?

#majors-and-minors #majors

Mohammad’s Avatar
Mohammad Jul 31, 2020 849 views

Do I know enough about this major? How can I answer myself ?

#university #majors #JULY20 #scientist