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Mark Cerritelli’s Avatar

Mark Cerritelli

Cofounder of
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
New York, New York
3 Answers
4847 Reads
16 Karma

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Bertha’s Avatar
Bertha Mar 10, 2016 2279 views

What type of careers involve writing, photography, design, and software engineering, but doesn't limit me to staying in an office most of the time.

I'm asking this because I'm interested in all of the topics I mentioned, but don't really know many of the careers out there that I can chose from. #engineering #science #technology #software #programming #math #writing #calculus

sam’s Avatar
sam Mar 09, 2016 1268 views

What are the different parts of designing a video game?

Im doing a paper for school about a future career i want to do and im trying to sec out information on designing a video game. #computers

Jaymes’s Avatar
Jaymes Jun 05, 2015 1440 views

What do you have to like or be good at to be an engineer or to take engineer classes?

I am in 9th grade and I hear people talk about engineering a lot but I really dont know anything about it. I would like to learn more knowledge about this career and what you have to do. #engineer #data-engineer