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3 Questions
82 Karma

lydarrien’s Career Goals

I want to be a architect for a company that pays good in Atlanta, Georgia

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lydarrien Nov 13, 2020 1165 views

What does it take to become a veterinarian?

I am a sophomore that loves pets; the health and training of pets means a lot to me, but what will i have to accomplish to complete this dream? #health #veterinarian

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lydarrien Nov 13, 2020 507 views

What would it take to become a Architect?

I'am a sophomore that loves the designing of homes; with the thought of making great places to stay. What do I have to do to pursue this dream? #architect #career

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lydarrien Sep 18, 2020 589 views

What will it take to make it to the NFL?

My name is Ly'Darrien and i would love to know what will it take to make it to the NFL. #Football #player #nfl