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Lauren Lengyel’s Avatar

Lauren Lengyel

Community Manager
Management Occupations - Transportation and Material Moving Occupations
Costa Mesa, California
3 Answers
5301 Reads
11 Karma

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John’s Avatar
John Dec 01, 2022 738 views

Swapping majors?

How hard (or easy) is it to swap majors in college?

Kimberly’s Avatar
Kimberly Nov 15, 2022 876 views

3) When is the best time for me to start looking into a career?

I don´t know when I should start looking into a career especially when you're in high school.

Finn’s Avatar
Finn Dec 02, 2022 3834 views

What are some jobs that are high paying but don't require a college degree?

I'm wondering if there are any jobs that you don't need a college degree for that still provide a high salary.