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Lewiston, Minnesota
4 Questions
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sam Mar 10, 2016 1317 views

What does a regular day look like for a computer scientist that works on video games?

Im doing a school project and i need some information. #computer-science #computer #computer-engineering #video-games #computers

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sam Mar 09, 2016 1366 views

I am doing a school project and i need to interview a computer scientist.

Please help me out if you know or are a computer scientist please ask them to answer these questions or answer these if you are a computer scientist thanks for your help. 1. What is your description of the job? 2. What advice would you give me for this career? 3. What encouraged you to do...

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sam Mar 09, 2016 1296 views

What classes do you take in college to become a computer scientist?

i'm looking into becoming a computer scientist and i'm just trying to find more information on this field. #science #computer #electronics

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sam Mar 09, 2016 1268 views

What are the different parts of designing a video game?

Im doing a paper for school about a future career i want to do and im trying to sec out information on designing a video game. #computers