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Dong Lam’s Avatar

Dong Lam

Director IT
Management Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Boca Raton
3 Answers
4632 Reads
1 Karma

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Bridget’s Avatar
Bridget Feb 22, 2017 2115 views

When applying for entry level jobs while still in college/ recent graduate, do employers care about GPA?

I work really hard and have a 4.0 GPA in college as a full time student, some kids that I talk to say that GPA doesn't matter in the real world. I am asking a professional, does a high GPA show for an excellent work ethic and intelligence? #management #resume #interviews #college-jobs #hiring...

Grant’s Avatar
Grant Jul 25, 2016 1676 views

I have no work experience! How can I acquire a job?

It's time to pull my own weight, yikes! Recently I applied to various famous franchises online, the only problem is, they never responded :( . With no success online I decided to visit a "now hiring" good ol' McD's and ask for an application. I completed the application and returned it to a...

Augusta Irechukwu’s Avatar
Augusta Mar 21, 2020 2634 views

What advice do you have for students applying for entry-level roles as recent graduates amid the COVID-19 pandemic?

#graduate #career #resume #stem #job #compsci #first-job #hiring #computer_science #engineering #tech #civil-engineering #COVID-19