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Dorothy Cullen’s Avatar

Dorothy Cullen

Sr. Director, Legal Operations
Management Occupations - Legal Occupations
Pleasanton, California
3 Answers
1806 Reads
12 Karma

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Camila’s Avatar
Camila Oct 15, 2020 563 views

Are there any new rules or regulation due to Covid-19 other than distancing, and wearing masks.

Im a curious high school student who wants to be an anesthesiologist and know more about my future and job opportunity. #high-school #student #anesthesiology

Oliver’s Avatar
Oliver Jun 30, 2016 1282 views

How to use on line websites efficiently for my career?

I am completed my MCA this year and need to find a good job. I am not interested in lecturing and banking. I am interested to find a job in a good software company and I think our resume is a crucial document that makes or breaks your chance of getting an interview. So I need to write a good...

Payton’s Avatar
Payton Mar 04, 2018 923 views

How difficult is it to get a job as a practicing lawyer?

I plan on becoming a child advocate lawyer and I've heard from many other people that you might not like that you can't always get job doing what you want as a lawyer. #lawyer #child #advocate #career-goals