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Kerrville, Texas
6 Questions
103 Karma

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Taylor Oct 19, 2020 448 views

Does a dental hygienist have to do the surgery aspect?

I know there are surgery aspects you have to do as a dentist, does the dentist do those or does the dental hygienist also do that. Or is the dental hygienist there to assist the dentist in those situations. #dental-hygienist

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Taylor Oct 19, 2020 417 views

What’s the thing you see the most in your job?

What is the most common thing you do/ people ask you to do when being a dental/dental hygienist. #dentistry

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Taylor Oct 19, 2020 379 views

What do you look forward to when going to your job?

When you go to your job what is the main thing that excites you? #job

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Taylor Oct 19, 2020 442 views

What were some of the hardest things to study in college?

When studying in college what were some things that were challenging in your opinion?#dentist

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Taylor Oct 19, 2020 1056 views

Does a dental hygienist make there own schedule.

I would like to go into the dental field. But would also like to have my own life since you go to school for a very long time. #dental-hygienist

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Taylor Oct 19, 2020 501 views

What interested you most about being a dentist.

I would like to be a dentist/orthodontist but sit sure what the experience is like. #dental