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Shae`la Hougaard’s Avatar

Shae`la Hougaard

Customer Success Manager
Management Occupations - Office and Administrative Support Occupations
Houston, Texas
2 Answers
2060 Reads
2 Karma

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Karisma’s Avatar
Karisma May 11, 2018 1915 views

How are we supposed to build credit, without a credit score ?

Our responsibility as soon as we turn eighteen is to be independent and self sufficient. However, we’re never taught the right tools to know how to even get an apartment. How am I supposed to build my credit score, if no one trusts me enough to even begin?
#credit #creditscore #women #teach

Azar’s Avatar
Azar Feb 13, 2017 1244 views

What schools in North Carolina offer the best theater classes?

I want to know #theater #film-acting #theater-tech