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Laura E. Lin’s Avatar

Laura E. Lin

Transfer Pricing Associate at PwC
Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Quincy, Massachusetts
8 Answers
16843 Reads
11 Karma

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Abdullah’s Avatar
Abdullah Feb 08, 2021 2026 views

Breaking into MGMNT consulting?

Hi! I hope you’re all well and safe. I just wanted to know what I could do now as a second semester freshman to make it easier for me to break in to management consulting, preferably at a big 4 accounting firm? Thank you!! <333 #career #finance #accounting #consulting #big4 #advisory...

Mary’s Avatar
Mary Aug 26, 2018 732 views

What is the most efficient way to find scholarships that fit you

#college #scholarships #myself

Christie’s Avatar
Christie Mar 05, 2020 2766 views

As a college student, what sort of experiences would best prepare me for a career in consulting?

#internship #career #job #consulting

N’s Avatar
N Mar 26, 2018 2414 views

Is it worth it to get an MBA straight after getting a BBA or wait for a couple years before going to grad school?

Don't know which option is better in the long run
#mba #bba

Courtney’s Avatar
Courtney May 10, 2016 4482 views

Do companies care about extracurricular activities job candidates participated in in college?

I was just wondering how important college extracurricular activities are when companies are hiring. Some students only have time to participate in one or two activities, if even that many, but some participate in multiple activities. #college #resume #hiring #extracurriculars #job-interview...

Christie’s Avatar
Christie Mar 25, 2020 2292 views

Given the increased need to work from home, I was wondering what sort of factors should I keep in mind while finding/working in an online/virtual internship?

I'm specifically interested in finance, consulting, and non profit work

#internship #finance #consulting #nonprofit #COVID-19

Charis’s Avatar
Charis Jul 16, 2020 1060 views

What are the options for someone looking to work in the non-profit sector?

I am an undergrad student and probably want to work in the non-profit sector eventually. Besides grad school and fellowships, what else can I be looking into? #nonprofit

Mireia’s Avatar
Mireia Jan 17, 2018 5071 views

What personally helped you decide what major/career to pursue?

I'm a high school senior who still is not sure of what major/career to pursue and would really appreciate guidance and personal experience about when and how you decided on your path. #career #career-counseling #career-development #job #careers #changing-careers #expert #advice #career-paths...