Ashley Gryta
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What are the secrets behind getting to where you want to be in life?
I am a freshman and high school and I want to know what could I do to become successful in life #career #career-path #motivation #life

Should I double major in music and microbiology?
I'm a rising senior and I am thinking about becoming a physician assistant. I have been playing french horn since 6th grade and also have a big interest in medicine. The problem is that I am not sure if I should double major in music and mcb or just microbiology. I want to have enough time...

Am I too late to start a career in Concept Art?
Hello, I was recently let go from my job in the aviation industry due to the Covid-19 crisis. I am now 31 years old and currently looking for a different career path. I always had a passion for drawing and concept art in general, and I used to practice as a hobby but I never made a career out...

How do I know what career I will love and excel in?
My name is Meg and I excel more at writing and speech vs math and science. I love giving people advice, being creative/improvisational, helping/uplifting others, and entertaining people. My passion is making people laugh and connecting with others. I have in the past wanted to pursue...

what should i do? i hate my major, i dont want to be a teacher
Im 22 years old girl and im in my third year of Preschool Education (it takes 5 years) , im gonna be a teacher and i hate t i dont know why did i choose that major, i hate to see myself in the mirror, and i hate to think in my future because im gonna become the person i always fear i fear to...