Career questions tagged dual-career

Is there a profession out there that's an equal balance between creative writing/publishing and biomedical science?
I am torn between majoring in English and Biomedical Science/Engineering. I love to write stories and strive to become an editor for a publishing company/fiction author or screenwriter, but I also love genetics and would love to be a genetic engineer and researcher (see the details from my previous question.) My parents don't want me to pursue an English degree because the profession "isn't that lucrative" and I'd spend a long time working my way to steady earnings, but they also want me to find a job doing what I love. They've suggested technical writing, but I fear that technical writing could also mean less creativity when writing instruction manuals or scientific journal articles. Any suggestions or advice from real-world experiences? #creative-writing #technical-writing #writing #news-writing #editor #writing-and-editing #fiction-writing #science-fiction #creative-non-fiction #fiction #copy-editing #publishing #genetics #biomedical-engineering #biomedical-science #career-path #screenwriting #author #creative-writing #double-major #dual-career #multiple-interests #english #communications #grant-writing #proposal-writing #career-path #career-choice #career-decisions

How do i discover my passion?
I usually hear many people complaining of the kind of work they do, even saying they are only working just for a living and given an option, they will not even think twice, they will grab the new opportunity with both hands. Where did they go wrong? or that is the nature of professional life? How do i ensure that i do not join this mushrooming number of dissatisfied technocrats? Help please. #career #career-counseling #career-path #advice #guidance-counselor #passions #dual-career

What would be the pros and cons of being an employed fire fighter and personal trainer?
Senior year is here, and my plans after high school are going to college. I have always been active and involved in sports and that's what inspired me to pursue the career of personal training and become certified. Firefighting came to me randomly when I was unsure about making a full career out of personal training. I wanted a career where I was keeping busy; it was team oriented, and always a challenge. I did some research and found that employed firefighters work three days a week for 24 hours. This is where I got the idea to try to balance out both careers, firefighting one day, personal training on the days off. I'm just interested in others thoughts about the careers I plan on pursuing. #firefighting #personal-training #dual-career