Steve Danielsson
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What is it like to be a music minor?
I’m not sure how common this is, but I would like to minor in music. This is primarily for my own enjoyment and to take advantage of my time in college for structured growth in a hobby I love. What classes and assignments do you get? What is a typically day or week like? #GivingisCaring #music...

When can I "hang up the towel" at a well-paying job and pursue my real passion?
Context: I am a senior in college tracking towards a full-time offer from a well-established investment firm after graduation. While I am excited, grateful, and feel relatively prepared (business major for the past four years and have interned in finance) lately I've been feeling the pressure...

what should i do? i hate my major, i dont want to be a teacher
Im 22 years old girl and im in my third year of Preschool Education (it takes 5 years) , im gonna be a teacher and i hate t i dont know why did i choose that major, i hate to see myself in the mirror, and i hate to think in my future because im gonna become the person i always fear i fear to...

what are the needed skills to be a good sales engineer ?
#sales #sales-engineer #engineering #engineer #mechanical-engineering #electro-mechanical