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Olivia’s Avatar
Olivia Nov 18, 2020 843 views

What is it like to be a music minor?

I’m not sure how common this is, but I would like to minor in music. This is primarily for my own enjoyment and to take advantage of my time in college for structured growth in a hobby I love. What classes and assignments do you get? What is a typically day or week like? #GivingisCaring #music...

Grace’s Avatar
Grace Dec 10, 2020 2850 views

When can I "hang up the towel" at a well-paying job and pursue my real passion?

Context: I am a senior in college tracking towards a full-time offer from a well-established investment firm after graduation. While I am excited, grateful, and feel relatively prepared (business major for the past four years and have interned in finance) lately I've been feeling the pressure...

Diana’s Avatar
Diana Dec 04, 2020 2910 views

what should i do? i hate my major, i dont want to be a teacher

Im 22 years old girl and im in my third year of Preschool Education (it takes 5 years) , im gonna be a teacher and i hate t i dont know why did i choose that major, i hate to see myself in the mirror, and i hate to think in my future because im gonna become the person i always fear i fear to...

Rana’s Avatar
Rana Apr 10, 2020 4290 views

what are the needed skills to be a good sales engineer ?

#sales #sales-engineer #engineering #engineer #mechanical-engineering #electro-mechanical

Emily’s Avatar
Emily Dec 08, 2020 1959 views

how do i know what job is meant for me

#job #jobs #first-job