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Brian Schmidt’s Avatar

Brian Schmidt

Chief of Staff
Management Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Larchmont, New York
2 Answers
7023 Reads
1 Karma

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Belinda’s Avatar
Belinda Jul 30, 2020 3067 views

How can you build leadership experience when you don't hold official leadership roles?

I'm a rising college senior looking to maximize her last year of college - would appreciate any help / advice you might have!

#JULY20 #leadership

Maria’s Avatar
Maria Mar 12, 2017 6121 views

What is the 1 book you would suggest everyone reads in their lifetime?

I'm making it a personal goal to read for 30 minutes daily again, and am looking for some quality material. Anything related to science, technology, or woman's history are very interesting to me. #college #engineering #science #technology #tech #women-in-tech #reading #women-in-engineering #books