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Micael Gomes’s Avatar

Micael Gomes

Product Management
Management Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Alameda, California
3 Answers
1707 Reads
1 Karma

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Kemi’s Avatar
Kemi Dec 24, 2016 665 views

Is it possible to graduate from grad school early?

I know that it is possible to get a bachelor's degree early in undergrad but is it also possible to gets a masters degree earlier than the expected date? #college #graduate-school

liz’s Avatar
liz Mar 19, 2018 1073 views

How do I get a job related to my major after college?

I know that recent graduates rarely get a job in the field they majored in in college, and I understand that you have to make connections, but I'm not sure how to go about doing that in a manner where I will be successful. #after-graduation

Cheyenne’s Avatar
Cheyenne Apr 21, 2018 906 views

Will I graduate from college on time with little to no Financial aid?

I am interested in becoming a labor& Delivery nurse, however, I'm not sure where to start in my future career. #nurse #nursing #college #financial-aid #debt #graduation