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Anuj Awasthi’s Avatar

Anuj Awasthi

Architecture and Engineering Occupations
Fremont, California
3 Answers
4111 Reads
1 Karma

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Abby’s Avatar
Abby Dec 01, 2020 2227 views

What are some other career options for physics majors besides high school physics teacher?

I'm planning to take more lab courses involving optics, lasers, and coding simulations, but I learned that I definitely don't want to pursue a career in software. I love doing research and am applying to summer internships at national labs. Any other suggestions would be appreciated! #careers...

Alex’s Avatar
Alex May 29, 2018 1485 views

Is being an electrical engineer a viable option?

I plan to do engineering at Dartmouth College and plan to concentrate on electrical engineering. I also plan on going to graduates school after Dartmouth. I love electrical engineering, but I am not sure if it is a viable option in terms of job opportunity. What do you think? #dartmouth...

Borna’s Avatar
Borna Oct 19, 2020 902 views

I have chose Electrical engineering for B.S now what?

Dear everyone, I'm very thankful for all your support and time that you have dedicated for me. Well for those who don't know what I have been through, Im going to write you a fast story. I was struggling choosing a good subject to study at University in Iran. Well I was able to go to top...