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Evan North’s Avatar

Evan North

New Jersey, New Jersey
9 Answers
9219 Reads
41 Karma

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Maggie’s Avatar
Maggie Jan 13, 2021 383 views

What classes do you recommend for an Ag Business degree?


Maggie’s Avatar
Maggie Jan 14, 2021 566 views

What degree do you recommend for an AG Interest?

#ag #bussiness #college-major

daniela’s Avatar
daniela Jun 04, 2020 1767 views

What can I do for volunteer hours?

i go to #volunteer high school

shalini’s Avatar
shalini Jan 14, 2021 1049 views

i have amde a choice of career for myself. I want t o be sure that it is the right choice. Can you send me some test to check the compatibility of my choice with my personality

I am in grade 12 and mostly get B. I have chosen to do flying schools and Aviation management. I am not interested in Math and Science programs in future. I made this choice of my career after discussing with my parents and sibling. I would like a professional guidance to be sure that this...

Miles’s Avatar
Miles Jan 15, 2021 625 views

Can a 14 years old can get a job?

#salary #first-job

Ling’s Avatar
Ling Jan 15, 2021 1072 views

How do you prepared yourself before entering into university?

I'm a senior. planning on going to college after high school.

Savannah’s Avatar
Savannah Oct 27, 2020 708 views

How do detectives handle stressful situations

I am in 8th grade. I am taking a class called career and tech. My teacher said that I get to choose 3 jobs I am interested in and I decided to choose a Detective. I thought that it would be interesting to learn about what you do. I hope you respond. #detective #career #school

Ethan’s Avatar
Ethan Jan 15, 2021 1000 views

How do you transfer from an athletic career to a different career path?

My dream career path is becoming a professional bowler. I have some backup plans incase that path doesn't work out. I want to know what mindset I need to have incase in doesn't go through. #Sports #Bowling

Andrew’s Avatar
Andrew Dec 01, 2020 1962 views

Being successful at a big company

Hello! I will be starting a new software engineering position at a very big company. What are some ways that I can be successful in communicating with others on my team and what are some things to avoid doing?

#programming #technology #CS