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Lisa Goldman’s Avatar

Lisa Goldman

Attorney and Compliance Officer
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
Summit, New Jersey
7 Answers
10803 Reads
121 Karma

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Amy’s Avatar
Amy Jul 29, 2016 1132 views

Pediatrics, economics/finance, or law?

I get the opportunity to shadow and delve deeper into one field of choice and I am equally interested in these three options. Which occupation would be most interesting or give me the most learning experience? #finance #law #lawyer #pediatrics #economics #college-prep

Natalie’s Avatar
Natalie May 19, 2016 1981 views

What are the best undergraduate degrees to get into law school?

I am pursuing and undergraduate degree and want to know which degrees are best if I want to get into law school. #professor #law #lawyer

consuelo’s Avatar
consuelo May 19, 2016 1394 views

How much do lawyer get payd

is it salary or is it per hour? What are the averages for entry level, mid-level, and senior lawyers? #law #lawyer #attorney #financial-planning

Jade’s Avatar
Jade May 18, 2016 1649 views

Which books should I read before I enter law school this fall semester?

I was recently accepted into law school. I am eighteen years old, so I likely do not have as much knowledge in my head as other incoming 1Ls. I would like to enter law school at least somewhat prepared. Ideally, I will be familiar with the basic legal jargon and concepts that I will encounter...

Alejandro’s Avatar
Alejandro May 12, 2016 1190 views

what college should i go to for ice hockey

i want to be an ice hockey player #ice-hockey #ice

Allana’s Avatar
Allana May 12, 2016 1336 views

what should i do to become a lawyer

i need to know what steps i need to take to become a successful lawyer #lawyer

India’s Avatar
India Apr 13, 2016 2070 views

Does being a lawyer take up most of your time, do you ever have time for yourself?

I'm interested in this career field. #law #lawyer