Career questions tagged ethics

What careers can you achieve with a philosophy degree?
What jobs are out there that a philosophy degree is beneficial

How can we use Chat GPT ethically?
I've only just started using Chat GPT in understanding concepts and ideas that I find difficult to comprehend. I see Chat GPT as a tool in researching information efficiently (maybe not academically) and customizing plans such as study plans, meal plans, workout routine. I think that people can easily misuse this tool in the workplace or academic environment. But how can we use Chat GPT ethically and use this tool to become more efficient in our education or workplace.

Economics and an Ethical Career
Looking for a career and wondering what jobs there are combining, economics and an ethical future. Looking at Winthrop or a highly-rated online school for Economics and wondering what else to take? Finance seems practical and common. Definitely want a well paying job. But would be interested in possibly research for what changes can be made to increase wealth and health to as many people as possible while remaining fair, ethically, and environmentally friendly. I support business models like Target (the retail store) and would interesting in working on their team. Suggestions on jobs/careers and college directions? I don't have the funds yet, but have been researching getting into ethical and green and sustainable investing funds, maybe helping people with personal finances (lessons or advisor), or changing the GDP we use to measure our nation's wealth to be more precise and probably include other factors. Just looking what directions and futures are available to me

Give me an example of how you dealt with an ethical dilemma at work.
This could be a situation where it was necessary to wight the positives and negatives of the different outcomes of a decision in order to act in the patient's best interest. #medicine #doctor #medic #healthcare #ethics

Will complete equal rights be granted to all colored people?
It is said that we are all equal no matter what. But, I don't understand why bias takes place in jobs and school selections. I was wondering if equal rights will ever be considered no matter what race one race is or their background. #race #race-equality #equality #activism #race-discrimination #ethics

What would you consider to be the most valuable facet of computer science to the world today?
Computer science and technology has long been my passion, yet my dream is to contribute to the world positively. Many information technology careers seem to be trivial and/or wealth oriented. In what fields are people encouraged to develop computer technology for the benefit of mankind, rather than for monetary gain? #computer-science #science #technology #information-technology #humanitarian #ethics

As competition increases nowadays, how can one keep his or her core values such as integrity protected?
I experience this a lot in high school. From small pop quizes, to final exams, some individuals will always cheat, creating a sense of unfairness and a loss of balance. As I go off to college and become a professional, I know such hobbies will become a profession for those who have the talent. However, those of us who truly study and stay true to ourselves will continue to be affected by those who fail to follow the moral laws; In the case that I or a friend of mine fails to follow strong moral principles, how can one return to a strong moral standing? #work-ethic #ethics #honor #moral #morality