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Rebecca’s Avatar


New York, New York
4 Questions
353 Karma

Rebecca’s Career Goals

I want to make the world a better, more peaceful place to live and learn.


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Rebecca’s Avatar
Rebecca Aug 08, 2023 10481 views

What should I think about as I prepare to meet with a mentor?

I am going to have my first conversation with a mentor soon. How can I prepare? What are tips you have for me? Any and all input is welcome to help me make the most of this exciting opportunity. This will be a short term relationship by the way, I might only have one opportunity to talk to this...

Rebecca’s Avatar
Rebecca Oct 01, 2021 1944 views

What types of jobs and college majors should I consider if I want to dedicate myself to supporting refugees?

There are millions of refugees around the world facing huge challenges. I am interested in finding ways to dedicate myself to the cause, but I'm not sure what kinds of jobs are available. I'm just finishing high school and I'm planning to go to college, but I'm not yet decided on what kind of...

Rebecca’s Avatar
Rebecca Apr 09, 2021 1082 views

If I work at an ad agency, is there opportunity to create content or is it more about pushing out ads to various channels?

Just trying to get a sense for all the services being done within an ad agency. It seems like content creation would fall more into marketing, but I also get the sense that this is a quality of both careers. Thanks in advance for the help! #marketing #advertising #ad-agency #content-creation

Rebecca’s Avatar
Rebecca Apr 07, 2021 1061 views

What is the difference between a marketing and ad agency?

I'm wondering how they are differentiated. Also, are there some that perform both marketing and ad wrap-around? What is most common? Thank you! #marketing #advertising #ad-agency #marketing-agency #media #media-production #social-media