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Bekka’s Avatar


Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania
4 Questions
142 Karma

Bekka’s Career Goals

I’ve always wanted to be an elementary school teacher.



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Bekka Feb 01, 2021 733 views

What are the major differences between elementary and middle school teachers?

My dream has always been to be an elementary school teacher, but I really like English as well. I am debating either an elementary school teacher or a middle school English teacher, and don't know which to choose. I really like working with kids, presenting/public speaking, etcetera. #teacher...

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Bekka Jan 31, 2021 621 views

What is it like to be an elementary school teacher?

#elementary-education # teaching

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Bekka Jan 31, 2021 530 views

Would I be a good elementary school teacher?

I really like working with kids, helping people, and presenting. I like planning and leading things and adding games to make them more engaging. I have worked a lot with kids age 10 ish and really liked leading them. #teacher

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Bekka Jan 31, 2021 595 views

What jobs might I like and be good at?

My favorite subject is reading/English. I don’t really like math, science, or history. I want to do something in human services, and don’t really like animals or things dealing with the body. I really like kids and music. #kids