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Sofia Taveira’s Avatar

Sofia Taveira

Medical Student @School of Medicine - University of Minho || Neuroscientist in the making
Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations - Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
Braga, Portugal
5 Answers
8673 Reads
32 Karma

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Charisa’s Avatar
Charisa May 31, 2018 980 views

Medical Science - Neuroscience, Orthopedics, Hematology and Ophthamology. What should I go for?

I'm personally interested in Medical Science particularly; hematology, opthamology, orthopedics and neuroscience. I've not yet made up my mind on a particular one to go for. How do I know the one to specialise on?

#medicine #medical-field #med #neuroscience #orthopedics

Hannah’s Avatar
Hannah Jul 15, 2018 717 views

How valuable were internships when seeking careers in Biology/Psychology fields?

I’m interested in neuroscience but not sure to go the Biology or Psychology route. Wondering how internships helped you to decide which direction to go. #neuroscience

Brooklyn’s Avatar
Brooklyn Mar 17, 2018 1112 views

What's it really like to be a Neurosurgeon or in Neuroscience in general?

I originally wanted to pursue a career in Astrology or any science. I felt that if I wanted to achieve goals such as doing charity and making the world a better place, I needed a high paying career/job that would be enjoyable and interesting. So, what are the feelings of being a Neurosurgeon;...

An Awesome Student’s Avatar
An Awesome Student Jan 18, 2021 481 views

What do I need to learn to be an anesthesiologist?

I'm Ms. Hill at the International Community School. My 4th graders have a few questions and I'd like to share your advice with them. Thanks in advance!


Ekeko’s Avatar
Ekeko May 09, 2018 853 views

Narrowing Down The Areas of Work for a Nueroscientist. What would this be called?

I'm really interested in #neuroscience, and am planning to become a #neuroscientist. I saw somewhere that neuroscientist is a more general term, and that neuroscientists focus on an area, like brain development. I would really just like to make new, breakthrough discoveries about the brain,...