Olivia Jones
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How does CRISPR work?
I am a tenth grade student interested in learning more about gene expression and modification as well as protein synthesis.
#genetics #CRISPR #biology #molecular biology

how can i prepare to become a doctor when im in 9th std
#medicine #medical #anesthesiology
hi im really interested in anaesthesio;ogy i am studying in 9th now but will be going to tenth within a month. how can i prepare so that it can help me

What courses should I take in highschool to get a job in the medical field? (nurse, surgeon, doctor, etc.)
I'm a freshman in highschool and I want to make sure I choose the right courses in gr. 11 and 12 so I can possibly get a job in the medical field. #highschool #medical #nurse #surgeon #doctor #courses #surgery #professionals #medecine

What volunteer experience is available for biochemistry majors wanting to go to grad school?
#masters #biochemistry

im a senior in high school im interested in the medical field? whats the highest paying job in that field? #senior #babies #goodpay
Hello ! im a senior in high school ive always been interested in child delivery since a kid. i want to choose a job ill never get bored with and i feel like thats the perfect field for me. #field #jobs #nurselife #cutebabies #high-school

What are some good online volunteer opportunities for high school teenagers ?
I need volunteer credit for my college resume but can’t find anything online #volunteer

What qualities should I have to be a doctor ?
I'm a high school student and I REALLY want to be a doctor someday because I want to help people. I want to give them another chance to live. The problem is , I dont think that I have most of the qualities required right now. I'm very silent and shy. I don't do sports. I'm not that brainy. Im...

What is the most important quality you look for in a potential employee?
#college #recentlygraduated #jobsearch #communicationstudies