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Stephen Tiano’s Avatar

Stephen Tiano

Freelance Book Designer/Layout Artist
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations - Office and Administrative Support Occupations
Riverhead, New York
3 Answers
6641 Reads
51 Karma

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vivian’s Avatar
vivian Jun 06, 2023 845 views

What are some freelancing requirements or tips ?

What does it take to be a freelance artist/graphic designer? Does it require anything or do you just start? Is there also any strategy to marketing to an audience?

Evan’s Avatar
Evan Mar 03, 2023 697 views

What are the best ways to gain experience in the film and video editing field?

For quite a while I've been steadily teaching myself how to edit with software such as DaVinci Resolve (best free editing software imo, but it's resource intensive) because I'm interested in video editing and would love to work as an editor out of high school, preferably through freelance work.

Rokaria’s Avatar
Rokaria Jan 19, 2018 7268 views

Do companies truly focus on your college major when applying for jobs?

My major might be something broad like English, but I want to work in the creative arts. I want to know if employers truly care about your major even if it might not match exactly to what they want. #major