How to answer the Common Application Transfer essay as a community college student?
Hello to all, I'm trying to answer the Common Application Transfer Prompt: "Please provide a statement that addresses your reasons for transferring and the objectives you hope to achieve" I'm having trouble how to tailor this essay as a community college student. I would appreciate some...
I don't know exactly what i want to do. At first i felt like i wanted to do something in law, that also may partain to psychology but then i wanted to maybe do something in politics.
I am a very pesistant person. I always push for what i want or need. I want the best for people and help the greater good. I do feel as though we need more morally right people in this world and i want to be that person. Any way I can if thats with doing law or politics or something else for...
What degree would I need to work as a salesman for a seed company?
I’d like to help farmers be more efficient and get greater yields. #science #biology #agriculture #dekalb, #agleader #pioneer