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Paige Silvestri’s Avatar

Paige Silvestri

Financial Analyst
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Boston, Massachusetts
2 Answers
1596 Reads
1 Karma

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Abby’s Avatar
Abby Feb 23, 2021 1013 views

Should I pursue a senior project that exposes me to a new area of physics or one that is more in line with what I believe I'll want to do as a career?

Currently, I don't have a clear idea as to what I want to do after graduation. I'll definitely apply to PhD programs, but I don't know what field I want to specialize in. Right now I'm most interested in optics, laser physics, and math. For my senior project, I'm tasked with choosing a...

joshua’s Avatar
joshua Feb 24, 2021 630 views

how can I come up with ideas on making my own business?

I love the idea of making my of business that will be very profitable #business