Career questions tagged undergrad

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NoelaniJun 30, 20241784 views

What should a person starting with community college do to become an optometrist ?

I am a just graduated high school student, and I want to become an optometrist. I personally don't have great vision and use glasses everyday of my life, which has caused me to get interested in the study of the eyes and to then want to go to school for optometry. After high school, I am going to a community college. What classes should I take there to get my basics done and also have my pre requisites for university after community college? What would be a good major to major in community college and university? Which pre reqs should I have completed before optometry school? Is med school required to pursue this career? I also would like to know what major would be good for undergrad? Is a doctorate required to become an optometrist? And what would look good for optometry school? I havent started community college yet, and have a long way ahead of me to optometry school, but I am confused on how to start the path for it as someone who is going to a community college first. I plan on furthering my education after community college, I just don't know what would be the best classes and majors to choose to then continue into optometry school. Any tips or extra advice would be highly appreciated. :)

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Active Jul 06, 2024
location iconHouston
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MeghanaAug 03, 20231560 views

Are job opportunities great for biotechnology majors in the U.S. as a non-US citizen and non permanent resident?

Currently a rising high school senior. I am thinking of majoring in Biotechnology, so I want to know how do employment opportunities look like as Biotech major. I am also considering grad school.

answer icon4 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconKaty
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Manvitha PrasadFeb 12, 2023458 views

What are the extracurriculars you have to do to get into a good college?

Hello! I am a freshman in High School and i am interested in a medical path. What extracurricular activities do i start with to get into a college for a undergraduate medical degree.

answer icon5 answers
Active Apr 22, 2023
location iconIssaquah
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EboniDec 08, 20221611 views

How often should I reach out to my Academic Advisor ?

I think it is a great idea for me to establish great communication with my Academic Advisor so I can keep on taking the necessary course for my degree. Not only that but I have been given great personal and professional advice and resources. I don't want to overstep my boundaries by asking a ton of questions all the time, but I would like to utilize as many resources, advice, and opportunities as my advisor can provide me.

answer icon6 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconEugene
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LisaOct 17, 20222106 views

Is it beneficial to minor in Architecture when majoring in Civil Engineering? Will it be of use when I join the workforce?

I am interested in the building structure aspect of civil engineering.

answer icon6 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconBeaverton
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GouravSep 03, 20221297 views

What exactly do data scientists and data analysts do?

I'm trying to explore these fields and looking for universities in the US that offer these programs

answer icon6 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconVadodara
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DiyaAug 09, 2022982 views

Thinking of dropping a degree and going for another one, I mean should I? After giving it a year.

I'm in my first year of a BA degree, my subjects are Psychology, English Lit & Education. Things are not working well for me, I am not liking it so far, disappointed with my college and myself. All I think of is working in the media field, taking interviews, hosting shows, working in publishing companies in abroad. A reason I choose English Lit & Psychology at the first place, plus options are very limited here, their isn't much choice for a degree and I can't move out yet. It's so freaking confusing! Should I drop this degree and go for a media degree instead? Is it too late? Is the media field safe? What if I loose everything and ruin my career? Family disappointment is another issue :-( Failure scares me so much.

answer icon8 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconAllahabad
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AbbyOct 25, 20211824 views

How can I cope with the sadness of leaving college?

I'm approaching my last semester as an undergraduate, and I'm already sad about leaving a really phenomenal friend group, campus, and community behind. Many people I talk to say that college is the best time of your life, and I'm worried that I'll have more to look back on than to look forward to. Can I hear some stories from professionals who came out of undergrad and found a lot of joy wherever they ended up? #undergrad #career-transition #graduation #community #campus

answer icon8 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconRochester
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RyanJul 18, 20211526 views

I’m planning to major in Computer Science. My top choice is Northwestern, but I also love Boston, and MIT would be fantastic for Computer Science education. However, I heard MIT is not the best for undergrad, mainly due to stress and student life. Should I do Northwestern for undergrad and MIT for my masters?

I am about to be a senior in high school. I plan to work in the aerospace field writing autonomous navigation software. My GPA is 4.4, ACT is 35, and I have many extracurricular, including being a NASA HAS scholar. #computer-science #college #science #college-admissions #northwestern #nu #northwestern-university #mit #boston #chicago #undergrad #masters

answer icon5 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconDallas
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AbbyJun 03, 20211500 views

What is a good background to have as a Systems Engineer?

I came across a job description for a Systems Engineer, and it seems like something I might be interested in. I have a lot of on-the-job experience with project management and communication, and I'll be graduating with a bachelor's degree in physics next year. Is this an appropriate background for a systems engineer? What else can I do to determine if this career is right for me? #physics #undergrad #undergraduate #systems-engineer #project-management #engineering

Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconRochester
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GodavariApr 05, 2021949 views

Colorado State University -global versus University of Florida

Hi, I graduated my high school. I am planning to major in computer science and was confused about which one would be a better choice- CSU-Global or UF online. Does it make any difference if I get into an accelerated program in CSU -Global or a four-year traditional course would be better. Please advice #computerscience #undergrad #technology #onlineuniversity

answer icon4 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconLas Vegas
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AbbyFeb 23, 20211007 views

Should I pursue a senior project that exposes me to a new area of physics or one that is more in line with what I believe I'll want to do as a career?

Currently, I don't have a clear idea as to what I want to do after graduation. I'll definitely apply to PhD programs, but I don't know what field I want to specialize in. Right now I'm most interested in optics, laser physics, and math. For my senior project, I'm tasked with choosing a research advisor I'll work with for my final year of undergrad. The first professor is amazing. We have a great relationship, and I know I'll have an excellent experience working with him. His project deals with a field I'm interested in but don't have experience with. We would work with nanomaterials and fabrication - a lot of hands on lab skills. The other professor seems super cool. I don't know him at all, but his project deals with optics, lasers, and orbital mechanics. He's also working in collaborations with aerospace companies I'm interested in. I'm learning toward the first prof because chemistry with your advisor is so important since you'll be working with them for a whole year. I'll also be taking electives and labs in optics next year so it's not like I'll be missing out on the material. And at the end of the day, I think exploring options is the goal of the undergrad experience. Am I making the right choice? #math #college #capstone #senior-project #undergrad #phd #undergraduate #optics #last-physics #microelectronic-engineering #engineering #physics #research #research-advisor

answer icon4 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconRochester
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OliviaJul 30, 2020712 views

Is it possible to study specific disorders/syndromes in Neuroscience during undergrad years?

I'm really interested in majoring in Neuroscience and have heard about interesting syndromes and disorders like Savant Syndrome. I would love to be able to study this and I'd like to know if I have a chance to do that during my undergrad years. #JULY20 #neuroscience #college #research #study #undergrad

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Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconOakland
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MiaMar 05, 2020761 views

what steps do I need to take to get my Masters, right now during my undergraduate years?

#university #undergrad #masters

answer icon3 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconVancouver
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MelvinJan 12, 20191227 views

Undergrad engineering vs Grad engineering?

Hi all, I plan to enter Graduate study for Mechanical Engineering next fall and I just want to know, what are the differences (and even similarities) between the undergraduate and graduate levels in engineering? How should I prepare myself to know what to expect? Thanks. #engineering #mechanical-engineering #mechanical #engineer #civil-engineering #electricalengineering #computerengineering #graduateschool #gradschool #undergrad #engineeringstudent #masters #technology

answer icon4 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconPittsburgh
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KhushiAug 31, 2018930 views

Does undergrad prestige really matter?

#college #undergrad #grad #school

answer icon2 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconAlpharetta
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KarlieJun 13, 20181046 views

What are some of the best majors for students looking to attend medical school?

I know science majors are the most common, but what are some others that would be considered successful #psychology #experience #school #undergrad #med-school #medical-field

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Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconBaton Rouge
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DamianMay 18, 2018934 views

What are some relevant courses I should take while in Undergraduate school to be well prepared for the test to get into Law School?

#graduate-school #law-school # #college #undergrad

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Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconNorfolk
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MadelineMar 14, 20182335 views

What would be the best minors to take as an architecture student?

I don't know which classes would put me ahead of other architects, and I have a few interests in minors. If I were to minor in engineering, which type of engineering would be best? #minors #architecture #undergrad #engineering

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Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconSpring Valley
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KeylaJan 20, 2018753 views

What are credit hours and how do I get them?

I always hear my older brother talk about having to get enough credit hours for the semester but I never really understood what it meant #undergrad

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Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconChicago
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AustinJan 17, 20181089 views

Why isn't there a fast track program for all majors?

I am a photography major and I went to Loyola University for my first two years and decided to move home to finish an Associates degree. I moved home mainly because of my money situation. I hoped that by finishing my associates I would be able to find a job that I would like to turn into a career. Now I am going back to Loyola and hopefully graduating with a Bachelors in Studio Art, but I am still paying all this money. I just want to understand why I need general education classes to complete a major in something that doesn't require all those classes. I understand maybe a tier one class but tier two should be optional especially if it doesn't pertain to your major. #photography #expensive #camera #art #loyola #communitycollege #undergrad #fasttrack #college-advice

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Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconYorkville
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ShaniceJan 16, 20181119 views

What are some tips and steps that I should take in order to start a charity organization?

I want to start a charity organization that aids in funding the less fortunate, homeless, less developed countries etc. what are some steps that I should be taking I order to start one? For example will I need legal work, lawyers, a large social media platform and donations to start the process? This is one of my biggest aspirations to achieve in life, and I have an ideal concept as to how I want it to be, but I want to make sure that I have the best advice from those who have many organizations or are involved in great community work. #college #undergradute #undergrad #georgia #usa #charity #organization #helping #donate #essay #psychology #clinicalpsychology

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Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconDuluth
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AshleyDec 06, 20171653 views

What can one do with a degree in religion or religious studies?

The last few semesters, I have taken a few courses outside of my major and found that I rather enjoy the religion and mythology based courses that my university offers. It has been brought up to me by my professors that a religion degree is offered, and while I have looked into it a bit, I was wondering if anyone knew what I could do with this degree upon graduation? Is there more than just a personal value to it? Would a minor be a better solution?Thank you! #undergrad #religion #college #religious-studies #spirituality #theology

answer icon7 answers
Active Mar 14, 2024
location iconAshville Pike
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AshleyDec 06, 2017981 views

What is the difference between getting a B.A. and a B.Sc.?

So, I am majoring in the sciences and have been debating between getting BA and a BS. There are only about three classes that differ between them, there is mostly more of a math element to the BS. However, I was wondering if there is actually a true difference, and if graduate schools or employers prefer one to the other? Thank you! #undergrad #graduate-school #college #college-major

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Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconAshville Pike
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CosetteOct 25, 20172992 views

How many internships is too many?

I am currently a sophomore in college; advertising major and event management minor. I had my first internship at a small marketing/ad agency last summer and have been working there part time ever since. I'm happy to be working in my industry already and would love to stay with this company trough my college career, but would also love to get more internships under my belt with different agencies/companies. Should I plan for another next summer? Or should I wait until I'm an upper division student? I worry too many internships may be a bad thing but I have no idea. Thanks! #advertising #marketing #internships #undergrad #event-management

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Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconSan Jose
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TiffanieFeb 21, 20171298 views

What should I be doing to help my future when I get my undergraduate?

I can't help to think about the impending future which is happening in only 2 years. I want to be as secure as I can be so when I graduate I can find a career that I am interested in. What are some things that I can do to give me an advantage over other prospective employees? #college #career #degree #work #life #studies #future #undergrad

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Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconFlushing
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IhikaNov 23, 20161004 views

How should a high school student go about picking a good pre-medical undergraduate school?

A high schooler who is interested in pursuing the medical field and is currently applying to colleges. #professor #undergraduate #physicians #undergrad #graduate-doctor-professor

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Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconPlano
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MuhammadMay 24, 20161059 views

Can I apply for scholarships at my school even though I didn't get one?

I'm going to be attending UCI and it's really expensive, and I was wondering if I can still receive scholarship money from UCI. #college #university #in #scholarship #california #undergrad #irvine

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Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconProvidence
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JacquelineMay 27, 20151767 views

How can someone decide to go to a private or public college/university?

I know the major difference is tuition and fees, but what are some other advantages and disadvantages of both public and private universities/colleges. #college #school #professors #college-graduate #undergrad

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Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconLos Angeles
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JacquiMay 06, 20142214 views

When I apply to medical school, do admissions look at what undergrad school I went to?

I am a sophmore in high school and I'm planning on pursing a career in the medical field. I was wondering if the undergrad school I go to is important to get into medical school? Meaning, when applying to medical school, does admissions look at if I went to a UC school or a State school and does this affect my chances of getting in? #medicine #medical-school #undergrad #uc #state-school

answer icon5 answers
Active Jan 14, 2024
location iconPerry