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Indira Mohan’s Avatar

Indira Mohan

Software Engineer
Architecture and Engineering Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
San Jose, California
3 Answers
2490 Reads
1 Karma

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Inderjeet’s Avatar
Inderjeet May 10, 2016 1105 views

Software engineer

i want to become software engineer. what should i have to do after 10th please guide me #professional #educator #programming #software-engineer

hakeem’s Avatar
hakeem Mar 17, 2021 1242 views

How to stop procrastinating

#mentalhealth #homework #you matter

Braydon’s Avatar
Braydon Mar 18, 2021 769 views

Why is the demand for Database Administrators going up?

When I get older, a job I would consider is a DBA. However, I read about the demand for this position going up. Why is that? #jobs #job-search #job