Alex’s Career Goals
My future career goal is to become a future business major, go to 4 year university, graduate high school and retire by 60

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Does the second semester of your senior year in high school matter for colleges?
Is the second semester of senior year relevant for college? #student college-admissions #highschool

Does your major in college have to relate to your future career?
Is it possible to have a career in another department that is significantly #college #career-choice #major different compared to your major?

How exactly is financial aid different from scholarship?
What are the perks of financial aid and how is it distributed #financial-aid #scholarship #college #money #finance ?

Is it better to live in a dorm or rent an apartment in college?
What are the pros and cons of each and how does it affect your everyday life? #college #university #college-major #college-advice #dorm #cost

How does an business economics major differ compared to a business administrative major?
How exactly are these 2 career paths different? If you have classes with experience with one or both. which do you recommend? #business #college-major #business-management

What is the most difficult part of being a college student?
In what ways are college different compared to high school, how exactly does college impact or change you?
#student #college #college-advice #college-bound

How can I better prepare for college applications?
I am currently a junior in high school, I have some work and volunteering experience, but I am not exactly sure on what programs I can apply for that might be able to assist with college applications? #college # applications