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Dina Debs’s Avatar

Dina Debs

risk management associate
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Office and Administrative Support Occupations
Beirut, Beirut Governorate, Lebanon
9 Answers
66815 Reads
2 Karma

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NAYLA’s Avatar
NAYLA Apr 21, 2021 960 views

should i be a psychologist or psychiatrist?

i want to know which field is better in order to pick my stream for college.

Gabrielle’s Avatar
Gabrielle Apr 17, 2021 1155 views

What is the best way to gain teaching experience prior to having a degree?

#teaching #learning #teachers

Jozlyn Johnson’s Avatar
Jozlyn Johnson Apr 20, 2021 689 views

What do I need to know when applying an application to become a Psychiatrist? Do i need to have experience?

Good evening, My name is Jozlyn Johnson and I just turned 18. I would like to learn and know more about becoming a Psychiatrist. I think that I should know what are some key things that I should know and whether or not do I need/have some experience when I fill out an application.I also like to...

ayuni’s Avatar
ayuni Apr 10, 2021 57925 views

What is the difference between CV and resume?

#resume #CV

Alondra’s Avatar
Alondra Apr 19, 2021 3285 views

What should be my first step to choosing the best career path for myself?

I am currently a junior and I have no idea what career path to go for in the future. #career

Katrina’s Avatar
Katrina Apr 16, 2021 1026 views

How is it like to go for a Masters degree?

I know I want to go for a bachelors degree but I'm not sure if I should go for a masters. I want to know how hard or complicated it is to go for a masters degree. #degree

Julz’s Avatar
Julz Apr 16, 2021 621 views

Can I get some jobs even if I currently studying

#tech #graphic-design

Connie’s Avatar
Connie Apr 14, 2021 855 views

What are some careers or pathways I can take with a political science degree?

I would like to know what are some pathways I can take after graduating college with a political science degree. Thank you! #career #politicalscience

Maria Mershel’s Avatar
Maria Mershel Apr 15, 2021 545 views

Can anyone help me find a legal job?

I'm 16 years old. I can say that I am good at singing. I also have so many skills. Recommendations would be appreciated. #jobs #needajob