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Mirna Lteif’s Avatar

Mirna Lteif

Management Occupations - Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Beirut, Beirut Governorate, Lebanon
5 Answers
64563 Reads
22 Karma

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Francisco’s Avatar
Francisco May 16, 2016 1559 views

Best major to study in Business

Unsure what to study in business #business #undecided

Linh’s Avatar
Linh Apr 26, 2021 1261 views

What majors in college can you take if you want to have a career that revolves in finance?

I know that I want to do something with money and finance, but I don't know what steps to take in college. #career #college #finance

Madison’s Avatar
Madison Apr 20, 2021 1466 views

With homework is it a good idea to do it right away or to give myself some relaxation time?

I have been wondering if I should do my homework right away or to give myself a few hours to wind down from the school day. #school #homework

ayuni’s Avatar
ayuni Apr 10, 2021 57925 views

What is the difference between CV and resume?

#resume #CV

Alondra’s Avatar
Alondra Apr 19, 2021 3285 views

What should be my first step to choosing the best career path for myself?

I am currently a junior and I have no idea what career path to go for in the future. #career