Brekkin Harwood
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College Major Choice/ Career Advice
Hi! I'm a senior in high school, and I'm currently applying to colleges. I'm noticing that my list is rather small due to my specific major choice, marketing. I don't know if I should apply to the "prestigious" colleges that don't have business majors and just major in econ. I...

How can I be more confident?
I am majoring in architecture for college and I know that there will be many presentations that I will be giving. I am naturally a shy person but I still know exactly what I'm doing. However, when I am presenting I start forgetting what I have to say. #architecture #college

What is 'event management'?
Is it a good career option? #event #events #event-planning #event-management

With homework is it a good idea to do it right away or to give myself some relaxation time?
I have been wondering if I should do my homework right away or to give myself a few hours to wind down from the school day. #school #homework