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umer bhutto’s Avatar

umer bhutto

Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
8 Answers
10227 Reads
1 Karma

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Tyrese’s Avatar
Tyrese May 05, 2021 874 views

how do i apply for college?

#help #education

beckett’s Avatar
beckett Apr 22, 2021 595 views

how much do you make were do you work

i want to be a chef. I want to know where the highest demand for a chef is. #chef

leslie’s Avatar
leslie Apr 30, 2021 4541 views

what is the diffrence between a associates degree and a bachelors degree?

I really want to be a nurse but dont really know what classes to take or how many years is better #career

Shraddha’s Avatar
Shraddha May 04, 2021 594 views

Scope in agriculture engneering

#bio-chem #auto

Tyrese’s Avatar
Tyrese May 05, 2021 550 views

Best jobs with high school diploma ?

#high-school #career

Myezo’s Avatar
Myezo May 05, 2021 1581 views

What entry requirements for culinary school


Kimbriel’s Avatar
Kimbriel May 05, 2021 1100 views

How can I prepare myself for the future?

I'm a good person but sometimes I can start slacking #needstobefixed . I would be doing a great job and I would mess myself up because of my actions. I try to stay focused, but my head is always on another situation.

Brandon’s Avatar
Brandon May 06, 2021 598 views

I've been hearing a lot about the different areas of Information Technology. Which area is best for long term and growth in a company?

I'm a high school senior, looking to soar high. # #high-school #business