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David Leimbach’s Avatar

David Leimbach

Software Engineer
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania
5 Answers
4416 Reads
31 Karma

Active Locations

Lee’s Avatar
Lee Oct 03, 2023 862 views

When going into computer programming what should I expect?

I'm a freshman and looking into computer sciences.

Dylan’s Avatar
Dylan Sep 28, 2021 805 views

What skills are important to become a Computer Programmer?

What languages are most important and does it involve lots of working in teams or is it mostly working by yourself? #computer #programming #computer-engineering #computer-science

Yahel’s Avatar
Yahel Jul 08, 2021 1401 views

What is the most hard part of Software engineer?

I want to know how hard is to learn this career #computer-software #technology

raj’s Avatar
raj Jun 10, 2021 714 views

how can i learn programming with master in biotech

i have completed bachleor in biotech and want to pursue master in biotech but with computer duality degree #programming #computer-programming #computer #computer-science #computer-programming

Dey'ja’s Avatar
Dey'ja May 07, 2021 860 views

What is your vision for your career in another 10 years ?

Diligent, loyal, reliable. I am always the first person that my friends call because they know I am always there for them. #mechanical-engineering #engineering #career-counseling