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Joshua’s Avatar


Miami Gardens, Florida
13 Questions
432 Karma

Joshua’s Career Goals

I want to be a rich stockbroker, investor in stocks and real estate in many parts of the U.S. and other countries. Also, I want to make more money then most other people.



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Joshua May 20, 2021 749 views

What advice do you have for a young entrepreneur?

#entrepreneur #buisness #entrepreneurship

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Joshua May 20, 2021 1108 views

Is the finance planner the same thing as a stockbroker?

#finance #Stockbroker

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Joshua May 20, 2021 868 views

how much math do you need to take to be a stockbroker?

#Math #stockbroker

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Joshua May 20, 2021 1430 views

What are some interview tips for a High school graduate?

#high-school #high-school-students #career

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Joshua May 20, 2021 584 views

How much does a realtor make in Florida?


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Joshua May 19, 2021 613 views

How long does it take to complete a music technology program?


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Joshua May 18, 2021 733 views

If I study music technology , where could I find a job in the field?

#jobs #field #job-search

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Joshua May 18, 2021 629 views

How can I start investing straight out of High school?

#high-school #high-school-students

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Joshua May 18, 2021 580 views

How many courses is their in a real estate?


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Joshua May 18, 2021 574 views

How do you get to work in real estate?


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Joshua May 18, 2021 565 views

What skills do I need to be a stockbroker?

I never liked School since I was a little kid. #school

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Joshua May 18, 2021 1274 views

Do you need a license to be a stock broker?

#banking #stockbroker

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Joshua May 18, 2021 701 views

What should I do when I get out of high school to get on my career goal?

I am a chill and relaxed person. I like music and sports. #music #motivation #mo #career #high-school tivation #social-media