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Wayne’s Avatar


Miami Gardens, Florida
5 Questions
137 Karma

Wayne’s Career Goals

I want to be accepted in a college with an amazing journalism program so I can speak/ write fluently to be a sport's analyst.

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Wayne Jun 04, 2021 589 views

What other goals did you put in place to become a sport analyst?

So I can know what goals I can set ? #sports #athletics #journalism #broadcast-media

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Wayne May 28, 2021 471 views

What would be a weakness for sports analyst?

Just curious about this. #wondering

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Wayne May 28, 2021 509 views

Do y'all any good sports analyst ? That I can study on

I'm a junior in highschool, trying to make this be my plan b if sports doesn't goes as planned. #planb #sports #business #success

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Wayne May 24, 2021 1042 views

What influence you to be a sports analyst?

I wonder is speaking about sports every day worth it. #career-choice

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Wayne May 20, 2021 505 views

What would be good classes to major in to be Sport analyst ?

I play football but I want to have a plan b because sports don't always go always planned. #sportsanalyst #sports