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Jessica’s Avatar


San Francisco, California
5 Questions
192 Karma

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Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica May 24, 2021 598 views

How did you seek interest in becoming a Journalist?

I am doing a career blog project and trying to get insight on how you seek interest in Journalism.
#journalist #journalism

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica May 24, 2021 1942 views

As a Journalist, how would you handle a hostile or uncooperative interviewee?

I am doing a career bog project and trying to get insight on how do Journalists handle hostile or uncooperative interviewees.
#journalism #journalist

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica May 24, 2021 1631 views

As a Journalist, how would you manage the stress of tight deadlines?

I am doing a career blog project and trying to get insight into how journalists manage their stress with tight deadlines.
#journalist #journalism

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica May 24, 2021 2127 views

As a Journalist, how do you ensure your work is accurate and factual?

I am doing a career blog project and is interested in getting an insight into how you know your work is accurate and factual
#journalist #journalism

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica May 24, 2021 759 views

What is a typical day as a journalist?

I am doing this career blog project and I need some insight into what's it like on a day to day basis as a journalist
#journalism #journalist