Matt Larson
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aeronautical career question How to become a good pilot?
What are the qualification of a good pilot? #college #teaching #student-counseling #3d-studio-max

Do you have to go to college to become a Music Producer? What do you major in if you can't play any instruments and therefore can't major in Music?
Hi! My name is Anina and I'm a high school senior interning at CareerVillage. I have a classmate who has this exact question in mind. They can't play an instrument, but they want to go into music management. I find the idea interesting. Is it possible to be a music manager and not know music...

What made you want to work in computer hardware vs computer software or vice versa?
Hi! My name is Anina, and I'm a high school senior interning for Career Village. I'm really interested in both computer hardware and computer software. How did you decide which you wanted to pursue professionally? Do I have to choose, or can I pursue both? #computer-software #engineering...