Career questions tagged 3d-studio-max

How do I know if I made the right choice in choosing the university I will be attending in the fall?
I am a high school senior currently studying computer animation and graphic design in my school. I enjoy both art and computers and this field combines both of my passions into one. With so many schools out there it is hard to choose the right one. #general #graphic-design #animation #computer-animation #3d-studio-max

What's the financial situation like in college?
Do you recommend getting a job, and is it hard to manage work with school? I'm a sophomore in high school, and I'm starting to think about college and what it is going to be like. I've heard that in college, #college #teaching #teacher #colleges #studies #3d-studio-max

aeronautical career question How to become a good pilot?
What are the qualification of a good pilot? #college #teaching #student-counseling #3d-studio-max

how to improve English knowledge?
I want to improve my English knowledge. #college #teaching #studies #3d-studio-max #stata

how to find a part time which helps to become a software?
i would like to become software #college #teaching #teacher #tech #college-student #studies #3d-studio-max