James Ferguson
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What are some good websites to advance/strengthen your coding skills.
17 year old junior applying to colleges this year #college #engineering #coding

Hi, I was just wondering, what high school courses are most useful in the field of architecture?
I am just wondering so that if I decide I want to be an architect I can choose the courses that best suit it. #college #high-school

Is there any particular way that code should be formatted?
I look at my code sometimes and see that I do things pretty messily, and although I leave notes sometimes I look at the lines I have and dislike the way that they're arranged. Is there a specific way that code "should" be made to look like or is it okay just to leave notes if it works...

What would be my first step towards being a corporate lawyer?
I want to be a corporate lawyer one day but I also want to go to business school and get my MBA. #business-management #law #lawyer

How do I separate my career goal from my life
I want to find a dream job right for me #job #career-choice #career-counseling

How to be a successful and joyful dental hygienist?
I am boarding onto taking prerequisite courses to apply for dental hygiene programs. I am not so good at science courses and am afraid of giving shots. Thank you in advance for your advice! #dental-hygienist

what do I need to become a lawyer?
I have always loved crime shows, my favorite part was always whenever cases where brought to court. #criminal-justice #law

What are the steps I need to take in order to be a successful film/television animator?
I’ve been drawing since forever and I’ve finally decided that I want to be an animator for TV and Movies. I’ll be a senior in high school soon and I want to start taking action now. #art #college #film #fine-art #animation #filmdirector #animator

What steps can I take to play professional baseball?
I like to play baseball and I also like to play football but my dream has always been to play baseball. #baseball

What can I do to motivate myself more?
Well I do stuff just not what I want or even if I want to I just don't feel happy about. #motivation

What jobs can I get at a big global company with a computer science degree as soon as I graduate?
I like Programming especially HTML ,CSS !
And i hear that the pay is good and there a lot of jobs out for computer science students. #computer-science #engineering #computer-engineering