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Brandon Recknagel’s Avatar

Brandon Recknagel

Manufacturing engineer
Healthcare Support Occupations - Architecture and Engineering Occupations
Walworth, WI
4 Answers
2417 Reads
11 Karma

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Edwin’s Avatar
Edwin Jan 17 413 views

What is the average pay for a robotics engineer, and what should I do to keep my pay steady?

Are there some specific points or things I should focus more on?

Alexandria’s Avatar
Alexandria Aug 20, 2021 508 views

What values are important in Maintenance?


Gloria’s Avatar
Gloria Sep 24, 2016 1646 views

What is the typical work day for a mechanical engineer like?

Given the fact that I am interested in mechanical engineering, I was wondering what a typical day would consist of in that field. I would like to know about the workload and the atmosphere itself. Any words of advice to pursue this would be helpful as well. #help #advice #mechanical-engineer...

Braden’s Avatar
Braden Oct 31, 2016 1296 views

In college, I was planning on pursuing a double major. I was planning on obtaining a PhD in astrophysics and a bachelors in robotics engineering. I was wondering: how hard would this be and would it even be possible?

I was planning on obtaining this degree so I would have a back-up plan in life. If one career fell through, I could rely on the other. I find both subjects really interesting to me and I would like to make possible careers out of them. In the best case scenario, I could possibly find a career...