Steve Braz
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Being a Business major I find that the field is very broad. Is it smart to shoot for a job in particular when deciding on what major to choose?
I was undecided until I got accepted into the School of Business at University of New Haven. Just making sure I chose the right major or if I should continue being undecided for a while longer. #business

What technology should I be learning in high school to prepare for college and the 'real world'?
I had an internship where I saw a lot of the employees using different kind of technology programs (Google docs was one of them). Are there specific tools or programs you recommend I learn that would apply to most jobs? I want to learn now so that I can use them in and after college! #college...

What is the hardest thing about being a manager?
I've always wanted to be a leader. I want to manage a large team of people in my career. I think I have what it takes to inspire a team to work hard but i'm also nervous about having this kind of responsibility. What would you say is the hardest thing about managing people and why?