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Alameda, California
4 Questions
167 Karma

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Vish Feb 12, 2022 660 views

What classes must a high school student take to become a marine biologist?

I live in Ohio and want to become a marine biologist. Which classes should I take (or focus on) in high school? Which is the best college for me to go to? Lastly, what programs can I do to get me experience before college?

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Vish Aug 23, 2021 562 views

What degrees do I need to become an astrobiologist?

#astrobiologist #education #degree

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Vish Aug 19, 2021 656 views

What is a normal day at work for a research scientist?

#research #science #worklife

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Vish Aug 19, 2021 617 views

What does it take to become a NASA research scientist?

#research #science #NASA I like to learn new things every day to keep me engaged and save me from boredom. I love the type of work NASA is doing and am interested in researching because I have a perception of getting the opportunity to learn something new often. I also enjoy presenting/writing...